5 Hidden AI Writing Tools You Probably Didn’t Know Existed

AI writing tools are software applications that use artificial intelligence to help you write faster, better, and more creatively. Whether you need to write an email, a blog post, a cover letter, or a novel, there is an AI writing tool that can assist you create personalized content. But how do you find the best AI writing tool for your needs? And what are some of the hidden gems that you may not have heard of?

In this article, we will introduce you to five AI writing tools that you probably didn’t know existed. These tools use different machine learning algorithms and natural language processing techniques to generate human-like text in response to your prompts. They can help you with various writing and content marketing tasks, such as brainstorming, summarizing, paraphrasing, rewriting, and generating content.

1. Aithor.com

Aithor.com is a website that offers various AI tools for writing and business purposes. According to the web search results, some of the features of Aithor.com are:

  • It can generate scholarly and creative works in minutes, such as essays, papers, poems, stories, etc.
  • It can help users overcome writer’s block by providing topics, tables of contents, and text generators.
  • It can rewrite, expand, or shorten texts effortlessly.
  • It can detect plagiarism and enhance text quality.
  • It can access academic sources and citations.
  • It can also serve as an intelligent business assistant that can respond to customers instantly and accurately using ChatGPT.

Aithor.com is a freemium service, which means that some of its features are free and some require a subscription.

2. ByPassGPT.ai

ByPassGPT.ai is an AI tool designed to bypass AI detection and make AI-generated content undetectable by AI detectors. It claims to be able to produce content that is undetectable by many AI checkers, such as Turnitin and Winston AI. It is similar to other AI writers, such as ChatGPT, Copy.ai, and HIX.AI, but with a different approach and goal.

ByPassGPT.ai is a paid service, which requires a subscription to access its features. It is intended for users who want to create content that is original, unique, and plagiarism-free, without being detected by AI checkers. 

3. You.com

You.com is an AI platform that aims to provide personalized and conversational AI assistants for various purposes. According to its website, some of the benefits of You.com are:

  • It can enhance web search, writing, coding, digital art creation, and solving complex problems with natural language input and output.
  • It can learn from the user’s preferences, feedback, and behavior to provide customized recommendations and suggestions.
  • It can connect with other AI tools and services, such as ChatGPT, Aithor.com, and ByPassGPT.ai, to offer a seamless and integrated experience.
  • It can also serve as a social and entertainment platform, where users can chat with other users, join communities, follow topics, and access various content.

You.com is a subscription-based service, which offers different plans and features depending on the user’s needs and goals. It is currently in beta testing and invites users to join its waitlist.

4. scholarAI 

ScholarAI is a ChatGPT plugin that specializes in academic research. It allows users to access millions of scientific papers, journals, and books with natural language queries. It also helps users to create, format, and cite their research papers with AI assistance. 

ScholarAI is a useful tool for students, researchers, and educators who want to conduct faster, easier, and more reliable research. It is compatible with various academic disciplines, such as engineering, medicine, social sciences, and humanities.

5. Gemini (formally Bard)

Gemini is a chat-based AI tool that allows users to collaborate with Google AI models for various purposes, such as writing, planning, learning, coding, and creating. 

Gemini is a large language model (LLM)  that is trained on massive datasets of text and code. Gemini has two main experiences: Pro and Advanced. Pro is the default experience that uses a tuned version of Gemini Pro, which can handle complex tasks and understand context. 

Advanced is a premium experience that uses Gemini Ultra, which is the most capable and advanced model that can perform highly complex tasks, such as logical reasoning, coding, and creative projects. It is a unique and innovative way to access and interact with Google AI.

Read Also: 19 Best AI Content Creation Tools In 2024

Final Thoughts

AI writing tools are not just a futuristic fantasy. They are real and available for anyone who wants to improve their writing skills and productivity. Whether you need to write for business, marketing, fiction, or any other purpose, there is an AI writing tool that can help you. 

We’ve introduced you to five AI writing tools that you probably didn’t know existed. Each of these tools has its strengths and weaknesses, and you can try them out for free or with a trial period. 

We hope that this article has sparked your curiosity and inspired you to explore the possibilities of AI writing. Who knows, maybe you will find your new favorite writing partner among these tools.

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