How To Write A Blog Post With ChatGPT – A 6-Step Process

In this article, I’ll tell you the steps involved in how to write a blog post with ChatGPT. I’m going to cover advanced prompting and how to use it to your advantage. Be sure to read this post till the end because all the parts are important and I wouldn’t want you to skip any step.

The world of blogging has evolved, thanks to AI. Some people think that AI is here to replace the work of human beings. But that is wrong. Instead, AI is here to ease the stress of our work, and AI needs human intervention to operate. 

Today you will learn how to use the power of an AI Model (ChatGPT), to ease the stress and increase productivity when writing your next blog post.

What is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT is a language model developed by OpenAI, specifically designed for generating human-like text in response to user inputs. It’s built upon the GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) architecture, which utilizes a large number of parameters to understand and generate coherent text. 

ChatGPT is capable of engaging in conversations, answering questions, providing explanations, and generating text in a variety of styles and tones. It’s trained on a diverse range of internet text to achieve its language capabilities.

What is A Prompt in ChatGPT?

A prompt is a specific input or instruction provided to a language model, like ChatGPT, to guide its generation of text. It serves as a starting point for the model to understand what kind of response or information the user is looking for. 

The quality and clarity of the prompt often influence the relevance and accuracy of the model’s output. In the context of a conversation, each message from the user can be considered a prompt that helps the model generate appropriate responses.

How Does ChatGPT Work? 

ChatGPT is an AI Model as you already know. It can remember all the conversations you’ve had in the same tab. So you can take it back to any point of your conversation and make it recap or explain more if you don’t understand what it meant before. 

Types of Prompting in ChatGPT

There are several types of prompting techniques used with language models like ChatGPT:

  1. Single-Sentence Prompt: A concise one-sentence instruction given to the model, providing a clear direction for generating a specific response.
  2. Sentence Completion: Providing a partial sentence and asking the model to complete it coherently.
  3. Dialog Prompt: Engaging in a conversation with the model, where each user message serves as a prompt for the model’s response. This creates a back-and-forth dialogue.
  4. Story or Essay Prompt: Asking the model to generate a story or essay based on a given topic or theme.
  5. Question-Answering Prompt: Provide a question and ask the model to generate an accurate and informative answer.
  6. Inverse Prompt: Giving the desired answer and asking the model to generate the question that would lead to that answer.
  7. Style and Tone Prompt: Specify a particular writing style, tone, or mood you want the model to use in its response.
  8. Creative Prompt: Offering an open-ended instruction to encourage the model to generate imaginative and creative text.

The choice of prompting technique depends on the context and purpose of the interaction with the model, as well as the desired output.

What Is Advanced Prompting In ChatGPT?

Advanced prompting refers to using more sophisticated or intricate techniques when interacting with language models like ChatGPT. 

These techniques go beyond simple one-sentence prompts and involve creative strategies to achieve specific results. Some examples of advanced prompting include:

  • Multi-Turn Conversations: Engaging in longer, more dynamic conversations with the model by maintaining context over several user messages. This creates a more natural and coherent dialogue.
  • System and User Roles: In a conversation, assign roles to the “system” (model) and “user” (human) to create interactive storylines or role-playing scenarios.
  • Temperature and Max Tokens: Adjusting parameters like “temperature” and “max tokens” to influence the randomness and length of the model’s responses, respectively.
  • Prefixes and Instructions: Adding prefixes or explicit instructions before the main prompt to guide the model’s behavior or style of response.
  • Fine-Tuning: Creating custom prompts and datasets to fine-tune the model’s behavior for specific tasks or domains.
  • Conditional Generation: Providing conditional information that guides the model’s response, such as specifying a certain context or constraint.
  • Mixing Prompts: Combining multiple prompts or techniques within a single interaction to achieve a more nuanced output.
  • Story Continuation: Asking the model to continue a story or text from a given point, allowing for collaborative storytelling.
  • Prompt Engineering: Crafting prompts that are detailed, clear, and precise to get the desired output.

Advanced prompting aims to leverage the capabilities of the model to generate more accurate, creative, and contextually relevant responses. However, it may require experimentation and iteration to achieve the best results.

Example of Advanced Prompting with ChatGPT

Here’s an example of advanced prompting using a multi-turn conversation with roles and creative instructions:

You: You are a time-traveling historian. Describe your latest adventure to ancient Rome.

ChatGPT: As a time-traveling historian, I found myself transported to ancient Rome. The bustling streets were alive with the sounds of merchants and citizens going about their daily lives.

You: Can you give me a vivid description of the Forum during that time?

ChatGPT: Of course! Imagine the Roman Forum, a grand center of political and social life. Marble columns adorned with intricate carvings surrounded the area. Senators gathered for discussions, and the aroma of food wafted from nearby food stalls.

You: Take on the role of a local merchant describing the experience to a curious customer.

ChatGPT: As a local merchant, I’d tell my customer, “Step right up, my friend! Picture yourself amidst the grandeur of the Roman Forum. The air filled with chatter and excitement as important decisions were made. You could feel the history in every cobblestone under your sandals!”

In this example, the conversation evolves across turns, and the system switches roles to provide different perspectives. The advanced prompting includes creative instructions (“Take on the role of a local merchant”) and a specific context (“describe the experience to a curious customer”). 

This approach allows for a more immersive and interactive storytelling experience, demonstrating the use of advanced techniques to guide the model’s responses.

Why Use Advanced Prompting To Write A Blog Post With ChatGPT? 

Using advanced prompting when writing a blog post can help you generate more specific, engaging, and well-structured content. Here’s why advanced prompting can be beneficial:

  • Clarity and Focus: Crafting a detailed and focused prompt ensures that the model understands the exact topic, angle, or structure you want for your blog post. This clarity can result in more relevant and on-point content.
  • Creativity and Uniqueness: Advanced prompts can encourage the model to generate creative ideas, unique perspectives, and imaginative content that stands out in the blogosphere.
  • Structured Content: By providing a multi-step prompt, you can guide the model to create content with a clear introduction, main points, and conclusion, helping you achieve a well-structured blog post.
  • Specific Details: Including specific instructions for examples, anecdotes, data, or references can enhance the richness and credibility of your blog post.
  • Engaging Introductions: Crafting a captivating introduction paragraph through a well-crafted prompt can hook your readers from the very beginning.
  • Style and Tone: Advanced prompting allows you to specify the desired style, tone, or voice for your blog post, ensuring it matches your brand’s identity or the target audience’s preferences.
  • Expert-Level Insights: If you have expertise in a subject, you can use advanced prompts to extract in-depth explanations, insights, or analyses that demonstrate your authority on the topic.
  • Efficiency: Crafting an advanced prompt can save time and effort by guiding the model to generate content that aligns with your vision, reducing the need for extensive editing.

While advanced prompting can be powerful, it’s important to review and refine the generated content to ensure accuracy and coherence. Experiment with different prompts and iterate as needed to achieve the best results for your blog post.

Note: There are things to understand when it comes to advanced prompting. You need to give the model a role. This is the beginning part of the prompt that tunes the model to be like an expert in a particular field, mimic a company, or use a particular style. 

Steps To Follow While Writing Your Blog Post With ChatGPT

how to write a blog post with ChatGPT - screenshot of chatgpt

Step1: Choosing A Topic For The Blog Post

When it comes to topic and keyword research with ChatGPT, it’s limited especially when you are using the free plan. But it can be a very good starting point. If you have a predetermined topic, like what I do sometimes, I will give ChatGPT a prompt to regenerate the topic and make it more eye-catching. You can use prompts like this; 

You are an expert in blogging and SEO, make this topic more catchy and attractive to drive more click-through rates. [Topic] include [Keyword] in the title,  you can ask me questions if you wish to have a better understanding of what I need“. 

The above example can be split into three parts, the first part is the part in which you give ChatGPT a role as an expert in that field. The second part is the instruction of what you want it to do. Then the last part is you asking it to ask you questions to get more clarification. 

This is an example of advanced prompting, to generate a blog post title. I always prefer this method because the model will be able to give you a tailored SEO-friendly title to use in your blog post. If you are not happy with the generated result you can always regenerate. 

You can go further and ask ChatGPT to give you a list of blog post titles if you don’t have any. You can use the prompt below to do that. 

“You are an expert in blogging and SEO, give me 10 blog post ideas I can write about in [Niche]”. 

What you must understand about advanced prompting is that. There’s no perfect prompt, but there’s a preferred one that can make the model understand your conversation and generate a tailored result. You just have to be creative with it. 

Step 2: Writing The Outline Of The Blog Post 

Using the above prompting style, you need to give the model the role of an expert in a particular field. Then tell it to generate an outline for your blog topic. You can use prompts like; 

“You are an expert in marketing and content writing, generate me an outline for this topic [Topic], make it concise, and include what [beginner, intermediate, advanced people] should know about the topic.”

You need to make your prompt as concise and explanatory as possible. 

Step 3: Writing The Body of The Blog Post

When it comes to writing the body of your content, what I advise you to do is that you need to write it section by section. You should not generate a whole post. Here’s the reason, if you generate content for your above outline at once, it won’t be detailed enough. 

So instead of trying to rush over your writing process, you need to write it piece by piece and by that, you will be able to add a human touch to the content of your post. And most importantly, your post will not be plagiarized or hit AI-generated content strike which can affect your SEO and ranking factor. 

Also, this is about creativity, your ability to give the model understandable instructions will give you a better result and it will be human-friendly when you edit and add some human feeling to it. 

You need to understand that your content is not written for machines or robots, but it’s real human beings that search for solutions to their problem and eventually, they come across your content. If your content does not resonate with them they will leave your site immediately, and that’s a very bad sign for Google and other search engine. 

The more bounce rate you get from your post, the lesser the search engine will show in the SERP (search engine result page) and you will lose out and stand less chance to make money from that particular post. 

Step 4: Writing The Introduction Of The Blog Post

When it comes to the introduction of your content, you need to know that your introduction is like a summary of what you are going to discuss in the blog post. It is also what will retain your audience to read further. 

So, I recommend writing this last, i.e. before your conclusion. When it comes to ChatGPT, generating an introduction is very simple. But first, you need to know how it works. 

Since ChatGPT can recall your previous conversations, you will tell it to generate an engaging introduction based on what you’ve discussed so far.

For example, if you were talking about marketing and SEO like what we’ve been using in our examples, you can give it a prompt like this. 

“With what we’ve discussed so far, I need you to give me an engaging introduction to this topic. Make it more human friendly and give it a call to action encouraging the readers to stay focused and read till the end”. 

Here you don’t have to specify the topic again because it already knows what topic you are talking about. So now you’ve seen that the starting of your conversation matters a lot. Because that’s what will set the pace for a smooth and tailored conversation. 

Step 5: Writing The Conclusion of The Blog Post

This is the last part of your blog post, and your conclusion must come with a CTA that will encourage your audience to take action. So you must instruct it to include a call to action. 

You need to follow our format of prompting to instruct the model. 

Step 6: Writing The FAQ Section Of The Blog Post

Lastly, if you intend to add an FAQ section to your blog post, you will also do this in the last part of your conversation. You will also need to tell the model that it should generate an FAQ based on what you’ve discussed so far, and then provide answers based on what you discussed too. You can use the prompt below to instruct the model. 

“Based on what we’ve discussed so far, I want you to generate an FAQ for this topic, and also provide answers based on what we’ve discussed here”. 

You can be specific with the result, or you can let it generate any amount of FAQs it feels. 

After all has been said and done, you need to proofread your post, make the necessary edits, and add links and images where necessary. 

How To Edit Your Blog Post? 

Even if your blog post is written with ChatGPT, you still need to edit the post, by cutting out some irrelevant parts and adding some touch to the paragraphing and emphasized words. 

The good news here is that, since you were using advanced prompting, the post will be tailored for our intended audience. And as such there’ll be little editing process. 

The key focus during editing should be: 

  • Headings
  • Paragraphing
  • Numbering/Bullet points
  • Emphasized text (bold, italics, subscript, superscript, etc.)
  • Adding Images
  • Adding Blocks
  • Adding Links (internal and external)
  • Optimizing for SEO (following your SEO plugin checklist)

You can use Google Docs for editing before copying it to your WordPress editor. There you will do further editing, like adding blocks, setting the link to either, do follow, no follow, sponsored, etc. Then you make sure everything is optimized for SEO, and then you publish it. 

Pros and Cons of Using ChatGPT in Writing Your Blog Post

Using ChatGPT to write a blog post comes with its own set of pros and cons. 


  • Idea Generation: ChatGPT can help brainstorm ideas, generate creative angles, and explore different perspectives for your blog post topics.
  • Efficiency: It can speed up the initial writing process by providing a starting point or a draft that you can then refine and expand upon.
  • Inspiration: ChatGPT’s responses might spark new ideas or insights that you hadn’t considered, adding depth to your blog post.
  • Variety of Styles: You can experiment with different writing styles, tones, and voices, allowing you to tailor the content to different target audiences.
  • Quick Answers and Explanations: If your blog post involves explaining complex concepts, ChatGPT can generate concise and informative explanations.


  • Quality Control: The generated content might require substantial editing to ensure accuracy, coherence, and a polished writing style.
  • Plagiarism Risk: The model’s responses could unintentionally replicate existing content, leading to potential plagiarism issues.
  • Lack of Originality: Depending solely on ChatGPT might result in content that lacks a unique perspective or original insights.
  • Contextual Understanding: The model’s responses may not always fully understand the context or intricacies of your specific topic, leading to inaccuracies.
  • Limitations in Research: ChatGPT’s responses are based on pre-existing knowledge up to September 2021 and might not include the latest information or developments.
  • Story Flow: Maintaining a coherent and logical flow in longer blog posts could be challenging if the model’s responses lack proper transitions.

Incorporating ChatGPT can be beneficial for generating ideas and initial content, but it’s recommended to use it as a tool alongside your writing skills and expertise. The key here is to leverage its strengths while being cautious about its limitations.

Also Read: How to start a content marketing blog from Nigeria-(Earn +$500/month). 

Final Thoughts

In the journey of crafting a remarkable blog post using ChatGPT, we’ve explored a roadmap of steps, each guiding you toward a captivating piece. Step by step, we delved into selecting a compelling topic, sculpting a structured outline, painting the body with insightful content, setting the stage with an engaging introduction, and now, it’s time to draw the curtain with an unforgettable conclusion.

Just as you’ve harnessed ChatGPT’s creativity, remember that this is a tool that thrives when complemented by your authentic voice. While you’ve embraced its ability to spark ideas and fuel inspiration, don’t forget the power of your unique perspective. Blend ChatGPT’s generated content with your insights to craft a harmonious symphony of wisdom.

As you tread this path, don’t disregard the pros and cons that accompany this approach. Yes, ChatGPT expedites ideation and quickens your writing pace, while nurturing your creative spirit. It breathes life into your content with diverse styles and helps answer complex questions. 

Yet, tread cautiously, for while it sparks, it might need some polishing to shine bright. Strive to retain originality and authenticity, ensuring your message resonates with authenticity.


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